- What is intervertebral disc?
It is a cushion between two vertebral bodies. It's job is to absorb strain and shock of the body that happens during sitting and movements
They do not have vascular (blood) supply.
- What is herniated Disc / Disc Prolapse?
Disc has 2 components- inner gel like material core and outer layer of cartilagenous tissues.
Cause –
- With age the disc gets dried up and becomes prone to cracks and from those cracks the inner gel like material protrudes out.
- Trauma/ Injury.
- Lifting heavy weight.
- Wrong postures in daily life lead to increase speed of aging of disc.
- How can it cause problems?
- From direct pressure on the nerve roots.
- Irritation of the nerve roots due to the material of
- What are the symptoms of disc prolapse?
- Backache/ Cervical Pain.
- Radiation to pain to lower limbs/ upper limbs (Sciatica).
- Numbness / tingling along the limb effected.
In severe / late cases – alarming symptoms like weakness in lower limb (foot drop) and urinary retention and severe constipation. Known as“ CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME” .
MRI is the investigation of choice.
- Management- Depending on the severity of symptoms and MRI findings treatment protocol in decided -
- Conservative- Analgesics, Exercise and posture training. 80% of patient get relieved by this method.
- Surgery- Microdiscectomy- the extruded segment is removed and nerve in set free.